Sunday, March 17, 2013


Due to the world wide embargo on American travel and the growing fear within the country that everyone was contagious life in the United States went virtual. In the years leading up to the outbreak we had been retreating to technological devices more and more. We were cut off from each other but the devices were mobile so we were able to express that disconnection in all sorts of snazzy locals.  The onset of the condition set the country back 30 years relegating us to surf the internet indoors like a collection of freaks and dorks from the 1990's.  On the bright side, texting while driving fatalities were almost non existent as were the number of dumb shit pedestrians who were hit by cars because their faces were buried in their Iphones.

Another pleasant side effect of the whole ordeal was a surprise increase in the overall intelligence of Americans competing in the game of life. Apparently there was a limit to how much porn, club music and LOLCat videos that the average American could ingest.  Once the internet was viewed as a necessary component of life rather than a departure from it, a new age of thinking was born within the lower forty eight states, an age where useful information became valuable.

The problem with informed people however is that they tend to have more thoughts, thoughts which become opinions with a need to be expressed. It didn't take long for a wealth of Americans to begin airing their beliefs on what really started the zombie apocalypse.  Most of these theories were quickly dismissed by the masses as hair brained conspiracy theories. However, one theory about the government colluding to herd, contain and destroy millions of our beloved family members began to gain a little traction.