Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The message was from a board moderator named Betelgeuse. The content was brief and vague but at the very least it seemed to explain the disappearance. It read as follows:

"Murk, delete all of your posts and don't tell anyone else what you saw, I have a plan, I'll Skype you at 6 p.m. tonight."

The actual conversation that transpired later that day had to do with a tiny revolution that was brewing.  A not so quiet group of internet users had been gathering momentum on the unethical treatment of zombies. Evidently there was a differing of opinion of the exact moment when "life" ended. Some believed that death occurred when the heart stopped beating, some said death occurred when the brain no longer showed signs of activity. But the new age of people who were technically dead but still moving made it extremely difficult to decide what rights if any should be afforded to folks with the condition. Some people believed that anything that was a threat to life should be exterminated. Some let their emotions guide them and wanted to hold out for a cure. 

Betelgeuse just so happened to be at the forefront of the zombie survival movement. Once he got conclusive evidence that the government was creating zombified people he wanted to know more about the entire operation.  He was planning a reconnaissance mission to one of the large holding pens and was assembling a team of enlightened companions to go along with him. Since the powers that be were trying to keep their misdeeds under wraps it left them vulnerable, a vulnerability that Betelgeuse hoped to exploit and use to his advantage.