Monday, February 11, 2013


Much to the chagrin of the American public news of the condition eventually became undeniable. Over 6% of the population had lapsed into an unresponsive state while another estimated 4% had already crossed over.  Fearless children had taken to "faking zombie" and ventured to chase their friends around the playground at recess.  The strange thing was that even though the disease seemed to keep spreading throughout the United States there were no reported cases discovered in any other country.

It was single piece of evidence that led to America being quarantined from the rest of the world. Even though no one had yet traced the source of the disease to Y18 it became vitally important to immediately stop the import/export of people, food and products to America. The passing of this decision almost lead to war as the United States was not able to sustain the lives of its people with its limited on hand resources. Luckily a compromise was made whereby a few brave souls were paid a disgusting sum of money in order to ship fresh supplies into the country. This compromise lasted for a while, that was until an overwhelmingly large number of people became infected. Once that happened, America was no longer considered a threat and as the level of threat decreased so to did the number of ships entering the country.