Friday, February 15, 2013


Eve went a little less gently into that good night.  The doctors had been looking for a meat alternative to feed folks with the condition but with no success. Everything they forced down her throat she immediately barfed or shat out before holding onto her stomach and wailing with discomfort. It was this result that led the researchers to alternatively monitor the effects of starvation on her appetite.

Over the course of the next few weeks the sciency people withheld all meat from Eve. They provided fresh bowls of salad and chopped celery every day and jotted down incremental notes if she played with or attempted to eat the food. Eventually she became aware that real food was not coming and as such paid no regard whenever the metal feed flap of her cell door clinked open.

The researchers noted that the longer that Eve was starved the less resilient her body was. A well fed zombie could take several whacks from an aluminum baseball bat or shovel and after a short healing period of about two days showed no signs that they had been beaten at all. However, as Eve was given less and less food she seemed to get weaker and weaker so much so that the government was almost convinced that in case of emergency mass starvation was the simplest and cheapest way to kill all members of the undead race.  

Unfortunately as with all great plans there was a catch. The problem came to light after about two months of starvation. Whatever had triggered Eve to attack John was the same impulse that was triggered after her hunger was prolonged. A once docile almost catatonic zombie now ran around the room screaming bloody murder. She dug her fingernails into the walls and scratched them down until the bones of her fingers were visible. For four days she howled and screeched and at random intervals threw all of he mass repeatedly at the steel door blocking her exit.  After two weeks of frantic, aggressive behavior Eve stopped in the middle of screaming one day and collapsed to the floor without a peep. Everyone observing her decided that she had finally died for good, all that was left was for someone to go into her cell and collect the body...