Monday, February 18, 2013


She bit him, she bit him right on the hand and tore the flesh clean off. Apparently Eve still had a little energy left in her emaciated body and when an orderly came to drag her onto a gurney she snapped back to life. Although the man was almost thrice her size her teeth remained clenched in his arm like a Pomeranian gone postal. Once he recovered from the initial shock of the bite he madly pummeled the crazed woman in the face with his fist until she finally unlocked her jaw. With blood and saliva pouring down her chin she reared back, lunged in for another attack and was able to throw one arm around the ankle of the retreating orderly. Like a cat trying to escape an impromptu bath every sinew in her body locked tight as she dug deeply into his leg . She pulled herself along the floor trying to get close enough to take a bite of the meaty part of his calf while absorbing the frightened stomps of his white bloodstained Nike's.

The whole thing only lasted about ten seconds and she was limited to about two solid bites before security got there.  Once they burst through the door the tortured story of Eve  only lasted five seconds and two bullets longer.  A diligent researcher decided to leave no doubt in the matter and knocked the zombies head off with a fire axe.  With the threat neutralized all attention was turned to the bleeding orderly who was hiding in the hallway nursing his wounds. The doctor who assessed him deemed the injuries none life threatening, that was until he started to show extreme signs of discomfort.